Sunday, June 12, 2011

Nordilund Brush Up and Expedition with Aaron Starheart (I didn't bring a chainsaw with me.)

THP is back in black, well not literally.

I finally beat Nordrilund. It was easy, way too easy.
And apparently, you get to feed a dragon some remedy. You get to meet a dragon, an ice dragon. Here's the process:

Aren't you cute?

So you gather some berries...

Collect some aloe leaves...

You put them in a geyser?

Plant some seeds...
"Nithogg" eats some seeds?

Ahh, lava, just how I like it.

Hello, there Nordri. A pleasure to meet you!

The heart of the Bone Dragon, so barren and cold... You are missing some veins, capillaries, and arteries.
I guess it doesn't need that stuff, it lives by necromancy.

And the Expedition with Aaron Starheart was fun!
He helped me with the Zeke quests.
I got Nordic Champion by...

finding all the Yardbirds.

I got Wintertusk Explorer

and Celestian Explorer. Thanks, Aaron, the expedition was heroic and epic!
I hope you enjoyed this heroic post.

Shelby Rose: The Blade of  Thunder was heroic. It wanted zebras and weasels for it's birthday.

See you in the Spiral!-Thunderblade

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