Thursday, September 6, 2012

New Jaguar Mount


Talon's comments:

It is the exact same thing as the Tiger, Lion without mane, Lioness and Panther mount, just different skin. Honestly, my first reaction was "Wow, I must get that mount!'... But I regardless of of the feline family, it's just the skin that differs. Despite the cheap cost of the Jaguar mount of 6500 crowns, I still won't buy it even though the Tiger, Lion, Lioness, and Panther cost 15000, 15000, 10000, and 5000 crowns respectively. Sure it looks cool, but I must resist to buy this mount.

In other news, it was Kingsisle's Fourth Anniversary of Wizard101 on the first of September. As a gift, they gave us a housing item: the Krokotopian Houseboat. And must I add, it is not dissapointing and taller than your wizard. 
That's it for now, readers.
And yes, I did get the Toadle from the new pet pack.
Shelby Rose: Only one proton in a hydrogen atom.
See you in the Spiral!-Thunderblade

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